Friday, March 31, 2006

The wife has been winning

Well my wife has been the big winner this month at least in live games. Besides winning my annual Championship she also took down a jackpot bounty on my Thursday night game for $174. So fro the month she has won over $600! While I've been still taking 2nd's and 3rd's. She has played some great aggressive poker.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Saturday Come and Gone

Well, I didn't win the Championship but the trophy stays in the Family! My wife won the championship. She didn't feel she was going to win or play well so she actually concentrated on the game and didn't play as loose as she normaly does. So she ended up winning the game!

As for me I played my best poker ever. I only had three pocket pairs before making the final table, 4's, 6's, & 8's. The 4's I had to lay down after the flop when I was raised off of them when the flop didn't hit me at all. The 6's I bluffed like the flop helped me, I did have a straight possibility but lucky for me know one called. The 8's I won pre-flop after I just bluffed someone off 8's the hand before, the person that laid down the 8's to me laid another hand down to me.

I'll continue later, have to go pick up the champ.

Tales of an Poker Grinder

Tales of an Poker Grinder

Monday, March 13, 2006

This Saturday is the Big Game!

Well this Saturday is the big game. My Championship tournament. I'm expecting over 24 players and I hope to have more than 30. I was going to cancel my Thursday game but so many people want to use Thursday as a warm up game I had to change my mind of canceling the game.

Last Thursday we had 4 games going on 2 Bounty games and 2 $5 sit-n-go's. My Thursday night game has just exploded with people coming and going. As for my performance I was out quick in both Bounty games not even making the final five for each game. Which is really not like me usually I'm contending to win and at least finish in the money. The second game I probably shouldn't have called an all-in from a new guy. He had 9's to my 8's, but there was already my pre-flop raise plus another player going all-in for anothe $60 in chips which I was calling. Than the Bounty went all-in (Mr. 9's). I thought about knocking out the new guy, plus the bounty and I would be about even in chips with the chip leader. I lost the hand with the 9's holding up to the river. He ended up taking second place to the chip leader. I won't make that same call this Saturday.

I did take second in a $5 game against Mr.9's, so it wasn't a loss for the whole evening. But I now have a read on the new guy so next time I know I will take his money.

This week I'll practice some sit-n-go's online play Thursday strong and be ready to win Saturday, bragging rights for the year.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Thursday Night Results

Well last night we had our weekly poker game at my house. We had 11 players coming and going for 2 sit-n-go tournaments. Both tournaments I had the bounty on my head. The first game when we got to the final table I had a huge chip lead. But ended up double upping the pocket rockets all-in and then pocket kings the very next hand from a different player. It was a game of survival with the 3 short stacks at the table and watching them all double or tripple up. In the end I take 3rd so I get my money back plus 3 extra bucks for the effort. The winner is really gifted the win when the second place player who knocked me out to win the $11 bounty just pretty much gives up and gives Brad the win. Jeff, Mr. second place is a much better player but I feel him drinking Captian Morgan & Cokes got the best of him. Jeff and I are both going to make our attempts at the World Series this year.

The next game I have the bounty on my head again. This time getting knocked out in 6th place. Just didn't get any cards to compete with. Once again a new player wins the game. It seems when a new player shows up to my Thursday night games the new guy always wins. We really need to stop giving the new guy to much respect. This guy was putting in wild bets and it was to late for me to figure out he was playing junk raising hands. When it got 3 handed Joel nor Alex would put this new guy to the test and in the end he just out chipped them. You have to have the heart to go against the big stack or try to trap him when you do have a big hand instead of raising him out of the pot. I know next week if Bjorn shows up and he will, he has victory on his mind it won't be as easy. The new guy winning is a double edged sword, one you hate to see the new guy control the table, but you know he will be back because he got a win. And they keep coming back.

Well today it's online poker, I have the day off.

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